First International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE2018) Was Held

Tuesday, 9 October 2018, 00:00

On Tuesday, October 9, 2018, at 9:00 am, the First International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE2018), which is jointly organized by the University of Zakho and Dohuk Polytechnic University under the supervision of IEEE in Iraq, took place in the hall of conferences in Duhok province.
At the beginning of the conference, the attendees stood at minute of silence to honor martyrs with the national anthems of Kurdistan and Iraq being played then the panels and sections of the conference started by a speech by Assistant Professor Dr. Lazgin A. Jameel-President of the University of Zakho. In his speech, he warmly welcomed the guests, presidents of universities, Minster of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and Minister of Education in Kurdistan. The president highlighted the importance of the themes and activities of the conference. After that, he added that the University of Zakho is willing to sign more protocols and memorandums with other universities and academic institutes to raise the scientific progress in the university.
After that, a speech was delivered by Dr. Adnan M. Abdulaziz-President of Dohuk Polytechnic University. In his speech, he expressed his happiness for organizing such an event which will have a huge impact on the process of development. Likewise, he thanked the organization committee, and the participant scholars from international community.
It is worth mentioning that the speech of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research was delivered by Dr. Nazhdat Akray-Representative of the Minister of Higher Education in Kurdistan region. He academically and scientifically evaluated the first conference and talked about the future plans of the ministry.
Furthermore, an English speech was delivered by the organizer of the conference Assistant Professor Dr. Yasin T. Mustafa-Vice President of the University for Scientific Affairs and Postgraduate Studies. He delivered and highlighted the aims and goals of the conference.
In addition, representative of IEEE Dr. Satar Badran in Iraq delivered a speech in Arabic language and expressed his support to organize such events and talked about the future activities of IEEE-Iraq section.
In conclusion, the speech of Dr. Idris Hadi was delivered. He gave a seminar about the role of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the development of education process.
It is worthwhile to note that 270 researches from the international community were submitted to the conference, but only 97 researches were accepted. The conference will be held in Dohuk Polytechnic University and the University of Zakho.
For More Information, try to visit the conference website.